Veterinary Zootechnical of the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences U.D.C.A, with a profile oriented to the planning, organization, ……
María Elizabeth Buriticá Henao
Animal Scientist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellin, with an MSc in Agricultural Sciences and a specialism ……
Edgar Villamizar
Veterinarian, graduate of the Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, with a specialismin pig husbandry at the IPC in Barneveld, ……
Ángelo Morales
Pig production expert with more than 25 years’ experience in the pig sector, working in the administrative and technical ……
Patricia García P
Veterinarian, graduate of the Universidad de La Salle, 17 years working in the pig and poultry industry. Certificate in ……
Luc Willekens
Animal Scientist, graduate of the University of Applied Sciences, HAS Den Bosch, Holland. Bachelor of Animal Sciences, specialist in ……